Content authoring
Sofia Backstage® Author
Simple authoring
Interactive television currently lacks simple tools for authoring and managing applications. Programming and HTML skills are needed, which creates a barrier for new service development. But now, Sofia Digital has made the authoring of simple browser-based applications possible, thanks to rapidly growing HbbTV and smart TV markets and Sofia’s long history in the field of interactive television.
Sofia Backstage® Author is available in the cloud as SaaS. It is also possible to have an on-premises installation of the tool together with other Sofia Backstage® HbbTV Platform Products for enabling a local fully integrated end-to-end HbbTV deployment.
Sofia Backstage® Author makes applications page development and applications management easy. It is possible to author applications without any specific DVB, TV, HbbTV or coding skills. New service authoring is as easy as 1-2-3:
- Select suitable application template
- Enter content UI with real-time preview
- Save and Publish application
Sofia Backstage® Author contains sophisticated workflow support. Content creators may author and test services first in a laboratory environment. After the application is ready, it is released to the Publisher, who finally approves and publishes the application to the operative HbbTV environment.
The Authoring Tool supports video-on-demand content with templates including a video player, and the system is able to transcode HbbTV compatible MPEG-DASH videos from original MP4 files with optional support for Dolby Digital Plus advanced audio. Combining this feature together with the video portal application templates enables quick and easy VOD application development.
- Available in the cloud as SaaS or local installation
- Sophisticated workflow supports application authoring, previewing and publishing
- Allows creation of simple HbbTV applications based on pages and page groups
- Applications pages may contain common media elements: Text, Images and Video Content
- Template library contains application templates for Red-button launcher, Main Menu and Menu
- Page listings, News, Advertisements, Video Catalogue, Image gallery etc.
- Possibility to edit and manage existing template based pages and applications
- No coding skills needed
- Optional MPEG-DASH transcoding and support for Dolby Digital Plus audio encoding
- Support for insertion of custom CSS code, allowing even more design flexibility

Juho Mäyränpää
Sales director
+358 50 522 5420